Ray Felix- Host of Super Heroes Comic Con
Executive Director of Bronx Heroes
Ray Felix, is a Bronx native born in 1973, he is a graduate of the School of Visual arts Class of 1999/ 2000. His comics include, " God: The Second Coming". " No-1 Anthology", "O.D's H.H" 1 & 2, "Bronx Heroes", "Runaway Slave" and "A World Without Superheroes". Ray Felix is also the Executive Director of the community based organization, Bronx Heroes Comic Con, which promotes literacy and education through the practice of reading and creating comics.
Felix has Freelanced with off Broadway productions such as "The Monkey King" from Great small Works (2006), Cathay: Tale of 3 cites in China(2007) with director Ping Chong and designer Stephen Kaplan. In addition, "Generation Buy" (2010) with writer/ Director Phillip Saruaci jr. and he worked on the Comic TV adaption of the Bronxnet Emmy Award Winning show "Bronx Flavor", starring Justin Fornal aka Baron Ambrosia. Ray Felix's film credits include "A Wonderful Christmas: Feliz Navidad" (2005) released by Lionsgate Pictures. Ray Felix is the winner of numerous awards and grants such a "BRIO- Bronx Recognizes Its Own, 2002, CAG Award- Community Arts Grant 2011, 2012, NYSCA, New York State Council on the Arts in 2011 and 2012, The Sherman Foundation, New York Community Trust award, The National Endowment for the Arts, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and the Lambent Foundation of Tides Foundation for 2011.
Ray Felix, is a Bronx native born in 1973, he is a graduate of the School of Visual arts Class of 1999/ 2000. His comics include, " God: The Second Coming". " No-1 Anthology", "O.D's H.H" 1 & 2, "Bronx Heroes", "Runaway Slave" and "A World Without Superheroes". Ray Felix is also the Executive Director of the community based organization, Bronx Heroes Comic Con, which promotes literacy and education through the practice of reading and creating comics.
Felix has Freelanced with off Broadway productions such as "The Monkey King" from Great small Works (2006), Cathay: Tale of 3 cites in China(2007) with director Ping Chong and designer Stephen Kaplan. In addition, "Generation Buy" (2010) with writer/ Director Phillip Saruaci jr. and he worked on the Comic TV adaption of the Bronxnet Emmy Award Winning show "Bronx Flavor", starring Justin Fornal aka Baron Ambrosia. Ray Felix's film credits include "A Wonderful Christmas: Feliz Navidad" (2005) released by Lionsgate Pictures. Ray Felix is the winner of numerous awards and grants such a "BRIO- Bronx Recognizes Its Own, 2002, CAG Award- Community Arts Grant 2011, 2012, NYSCA, New York State Council on the Arts in 2011 and 2012, The Sherman Foundation, New York Community Trust award, The National Endowment for the Arts, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and the Lambent Foundation of Tides Foundation for 2011.
Past Exhibitors
Click on icons to be redirected to any Exhibitors Websites.
Mark Mazz- Atlas Unleashed
DormWorld Comics! BattleMasterz
Chris Capozzi-25 Ft. Clown
Comic Artists Guild
David Quinn
Allison Braun- Goats n Glory
George O' Connor-Homeless Comics
Eric Cooper- Knight Seeker
Kids Comic Con- writer/ educator/ founder of KCC Alex Simmons and Eugene Addams
Mawuli Ahiekpor aka Kupid- Konscious Creations
Mark Mariano and Family-My Pal Mark
MAs Media Studio
MoCCA- Board Memeber / Trustee /Curator- Danny Fingeroth
NS Works
PapercutZ Editor- Jim Salicrup
Powersmith Studios
Pronto comics
Chuck Collins and Keith Miller Rat Ronin Studios
Novastar studios
3JP Productions
Artists: Winston Blakely and Luis Sierra